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Skilled Nursing

Young, smiling nurse warmly embracing elderly patient, symbolizing compassionate care and comfort in Southern California hospice setting

Dedicated Nurses, Unwavering Support

In the journey of hospice care, our nurses are the guiding lights - compassionate, skilled, and deeply committed to providing the best possible care to our patients. At American Veterans Hospice, our nursing staff are not just caregivers; they are advocates, educators, and comforting presences in times of need.

Personalized, Patient-Centric Care

Our nurses specialize in end-of-life care, focusing on managing symptoms and ensuring comfort. They work closely with each patient and family to create personalized care plans that respect the patient’s wishes and address their specific medical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Around-the-Clock Availability

Understanding that needs can arise at any hour, our nursing team is available 24/7. Whether it's addressing a new symptom, adjusting pain management, or providing a listening ear, our nurses are always just a phone call away.

Education and Support for Families

Our nurses also play a crucial role in educating and supporting families. They provide clear, compassionate guidance on what to expect and how to care for their loved ones. They help families understand complex medical information, making it easier to make informed decisions about their loved one’s care.

A Commitment to Comfort and Dignity

Above all, our nurses are committed to ensuring each patient's comfort and maintaining their dignity. They approach every day with a blend of professional expertise and genuine warmth, ensuring that the final chapter of each patient’s life is as peaceful and meaningful as possible.

At American Veterans Hospice, our nurses are more than just healthcare providers. They're a part of your local community, committed to bringing compassionate, skilled care to families in Long Beach, Los Angeles County, Orange Orange County, San Bernardino County and Riverside County. They're here to walk this journey with you, offering comfort, guidance, and unwavering support every step of the way.


Trusted Team of Medical Doctor, Nurses, Social Workers, Chaplins and more

24/7 Support

On-Call Nurse Hotline

Holistic Approach caring for physical, emotional, mental, spiritual health

Support and counseling for the whole family

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