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Fall Prevention & Safety

Ensuring a Secure and Comfortable Environment

Prioritizing Safety in Every Step

At American Veterans Hospice, we understand that safety is paramount in providing quality hospice care. Our comprehensive fall prevention and safety program is designed to protect our patients, particularly those vulnerable due to illness or mobility issues, from the risks of falls and injuries.

Our Approach to Fall Prevention

Creating a safe environment involves a multifaceted approach:

  • Risk Assessment: Upon admission and regularly thereafter, our team conducts thorough risk assessments to identify potential fall hazards specific to each patient.

  • Personalized Safety Plans: Based on the assessment, we develop individualized safety plans, addressing factors such as mobility, medication side effects, and environmental risks.

  • Environment Modification: We ensure that living spaces are adapted for safety – this includes proper lighting, secure handrails, non-slip surfaces, and removing trip hazards.

  • Assistive Devices: We provide and educate on the use of assistive devices such as walkers, canes, or wheelchairs, tailored to individual needs.

Education and Training

Education is key in preventing falls:

  • Staff Training: Our staff receives continuous training on fall prevention strategies and best practices in patient safety.

  • Patient and Family Education: We empower patients and their families with knowledge and techniques to minimize fall risks, including safe ways to move and navigate spaces.

Constant Vigilance and Support

Our dedicated team is committed to ongoing monitoring and support:

  • Regular Monitoring: Patients are regularly monitored, and safety plans are adjusted as needed to ensure ongoing protection against falls.

  • 24/7 Support: Round-the-clock support ensures that help is always at hand, providing peace of mind to patients and families.

Collaborative Efforts for Maximum Safety

Fall prevention is a collaborative effort involving our entire care team, from physicians and nurses to therapists and caregivers. We work together to ensure every aspect of patient care considers safety and fall prevention.

Your Safety, Our Priority

At American Veterans Hospice, we are dedicated to creating a secure environment where our patients can receive care comfortably and with dignity. Understanding the complexities that come with end-of-life care, our fall prevention and safety measures are an integral part of our commitment to providing exceptional hospice care.

Contact Us for Safe and Compassionate Care

If you have concerns about fall risks or wish to learn more about our safety protocols, please contact us. Our team is ready to assist and provide the information and support you need.

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